The Winner of 2023 Edition

Alinea_QuartetAlinea Quartet, winner of 2023 Edition

The young Alinea string quartet, based in Munich and founded in 2020, has set out to break away from the norms of both how and where to perform the great quartet repertoire. To achieve this, they are looking to establish a dialogue with their audiences in conversational recitals, constantly seeking to engage with different artforms and experimenting with innovative concert formats. This approach led to performances in places as diverse as the MAAT Museum Lisbon, Cambridge University and the 59th Venice Biennale. The ensemble is studying with Prof. Alexander Pavlovsky (Jerusalem Quartet) at Kunstuniversität Graz. They also received valuable impulses from renowned musicians such as Prof. Jörg Widmann, Prof. Oliver Wille (Kuss Quartet), the Jerusalem Quartet, the Vision String Quartet as well as from the Goldmund - Quartet. In 2020 they received a scholarship from the Brahmsgesellschaft Baden-Baden. In 2021 they were nominated for the special prize "Ton & Erklärung" by the Federation of German Industry and selected for the network "Le Dimore del Quartetto". At the XII. Concorso Internazionale Musica Classica in Filadelfia, Italy the Alinea Quartet won the first prize as well as the special prize "Paolo Serrao". The quartet also participated in "MUSA - European Young Musicians Soft Skills Alliance," a project funded by Erasmus+ to expand musicians' entrepreneurial skills. The Alinea Quartet has performed as part of festivals around Europe, including Italy, Portugal, France, Switzerland and Great Britain. The musicians perform on a set of instruments by the Cremonese luthier Stefano Conia, which was provided to them with the generous support of The String Circle.